Exercise: To Thyself Be True

To Thyself Be True

The road to healthy thinking is the willingness to be open, authentic and true to yourself and to notice when you are being critical of yourself and others. Begin to notice when you are not being true to yourself and concerned about what others will think. Let go of the fear that things will not work out.

Go with the flow of life. Life holds no guarantees. It is paved with lessons and growth and joy. Take on being concerned with being inspired and free, rather than trying to look good and protecting yourself (from the unknown).

Let go of the persistent complaints you have about yourself.

Work each day to love yourself and others and to see yourself and others with a new lens.



Are you willing to be kind to yourself and to notice when you are on your back?

Are you willing to stretch and leave your comfort zone to fulfill your dreams?

Remember that you are a human being on a journey that will be filled with lessons and with each step you are working to perfect the creation that you are.

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