by Harville Hendrix
Hendrix developed the concept of "Imago," the "inner unconscious image" you have "of the opposite sex," which determines "what you’re looking for in a partner but aren’t aware of." This book will help you understand the beautiful ultimate purpose of marriage and how marriage actually heals us.

by Charles L. Whitfield
So often, it’s not the adult in our lives who is running the show of our lives—it’s our inner child. This book had a major impact on my life when I first started my journey of self-healing and recovery from codependence. It’s timeless and can help you learn how to reclaim and heal your wounded inner child so you can live powerfully as an adult.

by Kim Snyder
This amazing book teaches us how food really is the ultimate beauty product and how what we eat affects how much energy is left over to attend to our beauty. You learn Kim Snyder’s powerful program to rid your body of toxins so you can look and feel your very best. Discover how to properly combine foods, feel energized, and lose weight.

by Robert Morse
This book literally changed our lives by teaching us the value and energy of raw foods. Since reading it, my husband and I have been on a new path of cellular detoxification and eating mostly raw and we feel great! In this book, you’ll learn about power of raw foods and how get your energy back. As Dr. Morse points out, “You don’t have to accept the ‘death sentence’ offered by other medical systems.” You can use raw foods and herbs as a means of detoxification and healing.

by Brene Brown
This book could be called “Perfection, No More.” I share this book with all of my clients to use as a tool for self-love and self-acceptance and embracing life in a wholehearted way-from a place of worthiness. Brene Brown puts you to work and give you how to’s via her ten guideposts, and she is funny, warm and highly relatable. This book is one that you’ll cherish for years.

by Cheryl Richardson
Richardson’s book is great for those of you (especially women) who are super busy taking care of everyone and everything but yourself. In this uplifting, engaging book, she guides you “step-by-step in learning how to nurture and care for yourself so that you can live a truly fulfilling life.”

by Melody Beattie
This is the first book I read on co-dependency and had a major impact on me. If you’ve lost sight of your own life by getting caught up in the drama of tending to someone else’s, you may be codependent. Read this book to learn how to reclaim your

by Ethlie Ann Vare
Addiction to people is not much different from addiction to cocaine. A former love junkie herself, Vare has enlisted some famous love junkies and the top therapists and researchers in the field to lead you—with humor and science—from addiction to recovery.

by Brene Brown
Brown shows you how “daring to drop the armor that protects you from feeling vulnerable, actually opens you up to the experiences that bring purpose and meaning to your life. She dispels the cultural myth that vulnerability is weakness and reveals that it is, in truth, our most accurate measure of courage.”

by Zig Ziglar
Learn how to develop the qualities—the skills and attitudes—that bring success. You were designed for accomplishment; you were engineered for success; you were endowed with the seeds of greatness. Now you can realize your true potential.
Get ready for a great adventure in living life fully and without limitations. This 3-day course focuses on creating a life you’ll love and creating it from a blank slate.