Exercise: Top 5 Emotional Needs

Top 5 Emotional Needs

Emotional Need are needs that, when met, make you happy, and when not met, bring you right back to childhood (i.e., feeling and acting as you did when you were a child). And childhood is the place to look at when identifying your emotional needs.

To figure out what they are, think of how you would like to feel in a relationship in the form of “to be”, “to feel” or “to experience” (i.e., to feel connected, to be cherished). By exploring and honoring your own emotional needs, you’llbegin to understand the kind of the person you want to attract as a life partner.

Note: Since each of us are ultimately responsible for our own happiness, we need make sure we are giving to ourselves, that which we seek from another. How can you expect to receive from someone else, that which you don’t give to yourself?

Below are some examples of emotional needs in the form of “to be”, “to feel”, “to have” or “experience”:

IntimacyRespectSense of humorRecreation
New experiencesCaringTrustFinancial security

> My Top 5 Emotional Needs are as follows. Use the space below to elaborate.



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